Post 2: Linking Performance Indicators to Blogs
When considering how to use blogging within the classroom, I feel that its important to reflect on how blogs can tie into current standards of learning, current events and student differentiation (students' needs). I decided that the fifth grade ESL communication standards (listed below) would be a great starting ground for introducing how I would infuse blogging into this particular learning environment. Fifth graders share a great deal of awareness and curiosity for the world around them; using a blog would positively influence their written communication in a meaningful yet authentic manner.
Firstly, when implementing the use of blogs with fifth graders, I would introduce the norms of use explaining how we would use the blogs to correspond with other fifth graders in Buffalo Public Schools, show a child friend rubric explaining the use of proper grammar/ mechanics, etc, and making appropriate comments. I believe that modeling blogging as a classroom prior to group blogging would be a nice transition toward the final continuum of independence. After foregoing the norms, I would assign the ESL students into heterogeneous groups (mixed ability levels) with assigned roles for the blogs so that each student is actively engaged. Each ESL student would be responsible for equally contributing to the group, thus responsible for his/her own participation (participation and group learning would be measured by a rubric decided on by the teacher).
Secondly, the students would use a current event as the foundation of the blog subject.
Day 1-2: For the first couple days, I would provide a background information (vocabulary from the article, additional subject materials, blogging norms, etc) students would need in order to participate in this activity. For this activity specifically, I would have modeled blogging for the students and they would have had the opportunity to participate in blogging as a classroom, thus students would be able to demonstrate more independence on this activity by working in student-centered groups. The students will review the blogs as a class.
**The teacher will provide input daily on the students' blog contributions.
Day 3: Upon reviewing the article from the link provided above, the students- preferably in groups of 3, would have time to explore and review the vocabulary terms from the article previously reviewed days 1-2. During today lesson, the students would create a blog focusing on the main ideas of the article by highlighting sentences, words and phrases that are important to each student. After the students highlight sentences/ words and phrases, they will discuss the importance of each with their group members. The students will decide on the most important words phrases and sentences then write them in their blog (one student will type words: emerging, entering will type phrases, transitioning will type sentences). The students will work in groups to compose a main idea overview of the article.
Day 4: The students will write comments on the other groups main ideas then reflect on their writing.
Day 5: The students will gather in jig saw groups to discuss how the weather influenced changes in the ecosystem. They will create a new blog describing their thoughts including writing and picture explanations.
Day 6: The students will present their final blogs to the class in teams. Students will be assessed on language use as appropriate to level of language development.
Standard Information:
SWBAT: express opinions through writing when provided with blogging technology.
NY LOTE: Performance Indicator (Grade 5: Communication Skills) ESL I.5-
Students will read, listen to, write about, and discuss a variety of literature of different genres.
Fifth Grade Content Standard:
SWBAT: identify how physical factors and weather influence changes in ecosystems and organisms.
U 2.1 5 The non-living, physical factors that influence the organisms and ecosystem - such as temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity and precipitation - are termed abiotic factors
These two posts show the extraordinary amount of thought and care you have put into thinking about we can use blogs in the classroom and as PD. I am blown away by your lesson plan. I bet someone in here does this lesson before the year is over!