Twitter Breathes Life and Relevance into ESL Classrooms

        As we know, Twitter shares a greater relevance than singularly showing the inside lives of celebrities. Twitter has become known for its power for connecting people through ideas based on followers and networking. When taking a closer look at ESL/ EFL classrooms, it's evident that Twitter has practical and relevant implications in the classroom. Here are some of the many uses/ ideas that can be easily transformed in the classroom:
Terrell (2016) states that Twitter can be used as a vessel for generating proper use of grammar and increasing knowledge of new vocabulary.

* Campo (2014) shares that Twitter is a crucial means for efficiently forming Personal Learning Communities. Twitter also elicits collaborative learning and diverse perspectives.

* Mobile ESL reports that Twitter use should be implemented according to the steps listed on their website. Through its use, students are encouraged to also interact with other students and audiences outside of the classroom.

        Provided with the information regarding Twitter use in the classroom, I would implement this technique explicitly. Students would have a specific time and routine for using this in the classroom. If students have I-Pads, they would be asked to visit only a specific Twitter at first. By planning ahead for Twitter use, students will be censored in order to secure learning.

Image result for twitter


  1. Planning ahead is always the key when using social media like Twitter so that students understand what the expectations are.


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