Twitterchat Forum: A Teacher's Discovery of Contemporary Collaboration through Professional Development Communities
After viewing and participating in various Twitterchats relating to the teaching profession, I was able to access the newest information being shared by educators across the globe. I was able to reflect on the following chats below:
Blended Classrooms: A new and upcoming idea in the teaching realm that 'blends' technology in everyday learning both in and out of the classroom. It also incorporates various concepts of flipped classroom, but it's so much more. Many teachers share their experiences using technology such as "teach me' to create electronic lessons for students.

Paperless Grading through the Use of Flubaroo and Google Spreadsheets: Yet another reason to move towards Twitterchat for professional development...Flubaroo and Google Spreadsheets for keeping track of grades. I, personally, have spent countless hours grading both in a paper and online grade book simultaneously. When reflecting on the Twitterchat above, several teachers provide their testimony about using it. After all, why work harder when you can smarter!!
Technology Updates on the Fly: Why wait a couple months or years for technology to hit the classroom when you can experience the most up-to-date information from Twitterchat? It's clear that teachers can quickly relay technology reviews globally through Twitter. Teachers have access to everything at their fingertips at this day and age!
All in all, Twitterchat creates gateway of quick, easy to digest information at the tip of our fingers. While waiting in line at the grocery store, one can simply check Twitterchat for the newest information in the teaching realm: it's so incredibly convenient. I haven't really used Twitter for anything educational until this point, but it will quickly become a necessity in developing professional development tidbits.
Blended Classrooms: A new and upcoming idea in the teaching realm that 'blends' technology in everyday learning both in and out of the classroom. It also incorporates various concepts of flipped classroom, but it's so much more. Many teachers share their experiences using technology such as "teach me' to create electronic lessons for students.

Paperless Grading through the Use of Flubaroo and Google Spreadsheets: Yet another reason to move towards Twitterchat for professional development...Flubaroo and Google Spreadsheets for keeping track of grades. I, personally, have spent countless hours grading both in a paper and online grade book simultaneously. When reflecting on the Twitterchat above, several teachers provide their testimony about using it. After all, why work harder when you can smarter!!
Technology Updates on the Fly: Why wait a couple months or years for technology to hit the classroom when you can experience the most up-to-date information from Twitterchat? It's clear that teachers can quickly relay technology reviews globally through Twitter. Teachers have access to everything at their fingertips at this day and age!
All in all, Twitterchat creates gateway of quick, easy to digest information at the tip of our fingers. While waiting in line at the grocery store, one can simply check Twitterchat for the newest information in the teaching realm: it's so incredibly convenient. I haven't really used Twitter for anything educational until this point, but it will quickly become a necessity in developing professional development tidbits.
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